Sunday, April 8, 2007

Google Adsense

I am a Chemical & Process engineering student, in faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa. My interest minor fields are Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering. These days I am on a quite long vacation after my industrial training.

Recently I heard about Google Adsense Program, which allows people to earn money via advertising on their web sites. It is easy as counting 1 2 3 …. and I have put Google’s ads on my own web site now.

This blog is totally dedicated to share my knowledge on Google Adsesne Program with others. I also publish my experiences on doing Google Adsense.

It is a magnificent way if you doing it with a passion. The most important thing is not the joining with it. It is easy. Visit this page and there is a good guide.

Google Inc. is giving 500 millions dollars each year for their adsense participants. Some of successors earn 1$ million with their sites. Earning 1 million is somewhat hardy target but 100$ - 1000$ is absolutely easy and can do as a part time job. A good part time job which will not be consumed your total leisure time. If you are from developing country this part time job earnings will definitely exceed your main income.

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