I am not writing this to people those who want to make new concept into world. We want you guys to bring new things happen!
But if you are person who like to start a Facebook like, yahoo answer like,youtube like, twitter like, myspace like ... you will find my article very important.
We have plenty of resources to start a website with very big features. To be honest, i can start a far better social network than FB with many of available sources on internet. Installation is not the key point. Bringing it to people is the key factor. Who will give up many friends on FB and start their profile on newly implemented "your social network". When Mark Zuckerberg starts facebook there was plenty of space to him. But are there any space for you for a new facebook like application. What do you think? Do you think i finished up my article telling you "buddy give up your imitation attempt and go fishing" No I will not.
There are plenty of opportunities to implement your own application with imitated concepts from yahoo answers, FB, twitter, ... etc. Implement them locally.
See following implementations which is same concept of giants such as yahoo answers, FB, twitter ... etc
Petquestions, shanghaisolved.com, ... are some of question and answers site which used Qhub platform to make questions and answer site for their identified limited scope.
I will give one of best example for a local social network, koottam.com which is build around Malayalam community. But it is now with more than 270,000 members and I am sure they posses a good earning potential from the website.
Koottam was build using Ning platform and i think they might using Ning pro package (49$ +/ month) based on their traffic and storage.
So copy from one of great concept on the internet is not bad if you choose the one of untouched area in the internet. Do not give up! Find a good concept from giants on the WWW and implement them on untouched market. You will not be a billionaire but posses potential to become a millionaire.
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