Monday, January 17, 2011

Do your web hosting pakage provide you phone support?

Do your web hosting provide you phone support?If yes. You can stop reading this post and browse my other stuff. There are lot of great tips here. But if No. Read following post carefully.

When I was university student one of my professor asked me to install a website for one of his organization which he is working as director. He is very good professor and with lot of human qualities. I make that website with wordpress and hosted in one of worst web hosting package in the world.I presented it to my professor and he was very happy about it and thank me. He said he going to open it one of important sessions of his organization. But when he was open it on the session it was not working! That sucking web hoster was block my site due to some 1001+ reason. He called me and asked my help!!!!!!!!!!!! My worst web hosting package did not provide me with phone support! I and my professor both were helpless.

If you are doing web design and hosting for your clients, keep in mind that phone support is #1 priority of your selected web package. Because your client may call you while you are not in a place accessible to internet.

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