Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lanka Adsense

Sri Lankan Adsense Community

There are thousand of Sri Lankan people who have already joined with Google Adsense and earning handsomely. This is very good method to earn via your own web site or blog. Although making & maintaining web site is some dedicative task, creating & maintaining blog is very simple & easy.
Recently there will be a Lanka Adsense community web site & blog to guide Sri Lankan to earn from Google Adsense.

අන්තර් ජාලය ඔස්සේ සල්ලි හොයන අද කාලේ වාසනාවන්තයන්ගේ ඇත්ත කථා කියවන්න 

You can boost your adsense account earning with and read this success stories which about people who earn 800 -1500  $ from Adsense using

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Post your blog via emails

Hi friend,

You can post your blog via email.

Go to settings > emails

selelct address to sent post via mails

Then you can post from your gmail account (which is used to login to blogger)

If you want more people to invite from posting

Then go to sttings > permission

invite your friends to join with posting your blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To be awarded as Sri Lankan Top site (or blog) is offer you a chance to be ranked among top sites (or blog) in Sri Lanka. You can visit and join your web site or blog in to their list. They will ranked your site or blog in top list if your blog or site has good traffic. They will display your domain name and simple discription in their top list. , ,, are among top site these days. Vote my blog using Sinhalaya's icon in bottom of the page.

Monday, April 23, 2007 .........

A friend of mine , Kasun is the owner of This is very creative domain name. Think you got that. nusak is the revesre spelling of his name Kasun. This web site is useful specially for BIT students, undergraduate student of Faculty of Engineering (UoM). There are nice photo collection & some of his softwears. He told me that this site is gained 1000 impression/day. So I told him to join with google adsense.

But unfortunatly someone has add his domain name to google adsense for test that program. He is not tried to stolen that site. But he has try it for fun. So kasun can not add his url to Google adsense now. Therefore he is tring to shift for another domain name. I am sure after he join with Google Adsense with his new domain, he will able to earn lot of from Google. Because 1000 impressions is good traffic level.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Google Webmaster Tool

Google offer a webmaster tool ( which allow web owners to analize, index , optimise their web site in a proffesional way. I gave advise to Asela (one of my batchas) to join with this program becuse he was always crying that his web site is not being indexed with search engines.

He has recently join with this program and now his site has indexed with Google. Google webmasters is a nice free program which is very usefull for web masters. If you have a web site use googles free web tool to optimise your web site.

Today I started a new blog about Sri Lanka Culture and my first post is about Sirasa Kumariya Program. Read it and leave comments.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

An Award wining Sri Lankan web site

First Readers must understand that I am not a political supporter, but an interested blogger on Sri Lankan web site.

Recently I visit which is a Sri Lankan official web site of Hon. Minister Milinda Moragoda. It was recently awarded with an international award for its integrity & informative nature. Although I am not interested and I have no awareness of his politics, I highly appreciate his approach. I was delighted when I came across with his motto “Lets us realize our dreams through dedication”.

According to sources there are more than 300,000 internet users in Sri Lanka. But because of cheap internet cafes this number definitely should be higher than this value. So politician, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, engineers, university students … etc can share their thoughts & experiences with most of Srilankans over internet very easily. This will lift our country to higher physiological situation where new thoughts, concepts, ideas, values are being shared with each other.

There are many blog sites & free or very cheap web hosters on Internet. So writing a blog or publishing a web site is not a rocket science now. So let us share our thoughts, concepts, ideas, values to build a developed Srilankan nation in near future.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

From Avakasha Kade ................

Starting from the first eCommerce web site "Awakasha Kade" (1997), more Sri Lankan people have been advanced in ecommerce application. Creating web sites like,, is good business which will generate more income, but it requires more technical skills in web designs & more time consuming. According to information they use high skilled web masters to carry out their business.

But if you want to skip into earning money via internet, you do not nessary to acquire high skills in web mastering. There are small business support systems like yahoo small business. And their are free web hosters, blogs sites where you can publish your site for free or at low costs. So you do not need to hire a server or high skilled web masters to start up a web site. If you want a domain name for your business with desired domain like .org .net .com .bis you can use yahoo at a low cost like 7-8 $ / year.

Monday, April 16, 2007

This is a best business for Sri Lankan People

Now Sri Lanka is one of fast grawing Country in ICT. There are more than 280,000 internet users (2005 data, Sorry for Giving old data,). Most of internet users own a blog or a web site. You can Earn revenue from these blog or web site with out investing any thing. You only have to join with Google Adsense and put thier code (They will give it when you register with you. )

This is one of best way to earn money from your hobby. There are more people join with this sytem, Google is giving more than 2 billion/year (more than 200 billion Sri Lankan rupees) for them. The top eight people are here.

This is best for Student, housewifes, or part time job seekers or any one who have just 5 mimites to spend to join & fill online application of Google Adsense.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My blog has been added with Kottu

Recently I came across about There was a article about it on newspaper, which was published by Cyberelam. So I read it and post my blog to it. Today I see my blog has been added to their list.

So I think this will increse my blog readers.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Is there easy money?

I have found some web sites which claiming that Google adsense make very easy money & you can be lazy as you want and make money. Is it true?

Yes. Joining with Google adsense & puting adsense is easy as 1,2,3 . But incresing visitors to your sites & blogs is not easy as that. Because there are millions of web sites on internet.

(In the April 2007 there are 113,658,468 sites on internet. More than 113 million web sites!!!)

So if you want to draw high traffic into your web site or blog is not easy as 1,2,3.

So although joining with Google adsense is easy as 1,2,3, ; earning money through it is not easy. You want to be indexed in search engine with a higher rank or want to join with paid advertisement program like Google adwords, yahoo publishers network ...etc.

for more info: on Google adwords

Monday, April 9, 2007

A Guide to my friend

My one of friends asked me how to indexed and to be ranked high in search engine. So I sent him a complete answer and I like to add that answer to see you also.

This is quite long email, but read carefully because I think you will find at least one important thing which can be a turning point of your webmaster carrier.

Hi Asela,

Indexing with a higher rank is most vital thing for a web site to popularize among e-world. If there are more links on popular & relevant web pages definitely your web sites ranks is goes up.(Refer : BIT first semester notes) Meta content & site map are also play major role in ranking & indexing a site. Meta content is easy to add but a site map is quite tough task. So you can use online site map generator to make a site map for your site. There are lot of free site map generators available in internet.

If you want to fall in love with a girl you have to ask first. Like that there is a feature with Google, Yahoo … etc to add your URL which is want to be indexed. Simply search “Google add URL” “Yahoo add URL”.

Use Google web master tool to be indexed with Google. It gives lot of features which are very important to web masters. Be quick because Google some time close some of their nice program for new users. I recently found a Google’s analysis program which is closed for new users. So be quick and take your opportunity. Another important thing is take 100 MB free web space of Googlepages and put your one of site there. The most valuable feature is it gives you high traffic rate, because your site is being hosted with a giant networked servers.

Another good way is to start writing a blog about your site & personal life. Put adsense to that blog & also links to your pages. Blogs readers are spent more time than usual internet users and blogs are easy to start and easy to manage. (According to sources blog readers spent 23 hours/week while normal users spent only 13 hours/week). According to my knowledge your site is specific for Sri Lankan users (SMS with Mobitel). So strat a blog in “Kottu Blogs” which is a Sri Lankan blog community. I think this will be a turning point to your Adsense program.

If you actually like to earn millions from adsense, we have to start a web site or blog with unique & new concept with world class content. This is quite difficult while following full time degree in Engineering. I highly recommend this to you because you can manage things well and you are creative up to some extent.

This is a personal experience of mine. I put my site on Alexa and evaluate my site. It gives a nice graph on my site visitors with their countries. You also try it then you can analyze your visitors well.

For more info:

Yours truly,



A web site with totally new concept is very important. So if you have new ideas share with me.

To test whether your site is indexed with a specific search engine

(Go to that search engine and search “URL of Your Site”, they will show your site first if they have indexed your site.)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Google Adsense

I am a Chemical & Process engineering student, in faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa. My interest minor fields are Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering. These days I am on a quite long vacation after my industrial training.

Recently I heard about Google Adsense Program, which allows people to earn money via advertising on their web sites. It is easy as counting 1 2 3 …. and I have put Google’s ads on my own web site now.

This blog is totally dedicated to share my knowledge on Google Adsesne Program with others. I also publish my experiences on doing Google Adsense.

It is a magnificent way if you doing it with a passion. The most important thing is not the joining with it. It is easy. Visit this page and there is a good guide.

Google Inc. is giving 500 millions dollars each year for their adsense participants. Some of successors earn 1$ million with their sites. Earning 1 million is somewhat hardy target but 100$ - 1000$ is absolutely easy and can do as a part time job. A good part time job which will not be consumed your total leisure time. If you are from developing country this part time job earnings will definitely exceed your main income.