Thursday, July 12, 2012

Google +1 (likes) from different geographical ip address as SEO boost

Google like button on websites

The Idea 

Google has + feature enabled on Google search index and also on webpages; to recommend websites or search results personally when we are login to our google accounts. This feature may be used to evaluate web sites value in Google's hidden SEO algorithm and therefore  if we can get likes from different IP address and different google accounts, especially from wide range geographical locations, it will boost our SEO.

Google like button on search results

Selecting IP range: If you are running a local website,  this ip range will be from all your target geographical area. As example, if your target is New-york,  try to find likes from IP addressess within that area. If you are running a global English website, it is wonderful if you can get likes or recommendations from all major English speaking countries.

Ways of getting likes:  Ad campaigns, freelancers, friends, family, communities, forums ,,,, etc

Rate of Getting Likes : Do not be hesitated to get all likes from one day. Best option is getting it naturally . Anyway at-least try to get them gradually.

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